このたび、当社は「外国公館等に対する消費税免除店舗」(DSマーク) の認定を正式に取得しました。
DSマークは、「Designated Store」の略で、日本国内で外国公館や国際機関の関係者が消費税免除の特典を受けられる対象者向けの公式な認定です。建設会社におけるこの認定は、外国公館や国際機関が関係する建設プロジェクトにおいて、消費税免除の適用を可能にするものです。
We are pleased to announce that our company has officially obtained the certification as a “Designated Store” (DS Mark) for exempting foreign missions and international organizations from consumption tax.
With this certification, the construction services we provide to foreign missions and international organizations are now eligible for consumption tax exemption, creating an even more reliable and trusted environment for our clients.
What is the DS Mark?
The DS Mark stands for “Designated Store,” an official certification in Japan that allows foreign missions and international organizations to receive tax exemption benefits. For construction companies, this certification enables consumption tax exemptions for construction projects involving these organizations.
By obtaining this certification, our company can now offer construction services to eligible clients with the benefit of consumption tax exemption.
Achieving this certification required meeting strict legal standards and establishing a robust operational framework. Our technical expertise, project management capabilities, and commitment to compliance were recognized, leading to the successful acquisition of this certification.
We invite you to take advantage of our services under this new certification. Our team is dedicated to supporting you and looks forward to serving you with the highest level of professionalism.